Colorful Ideas

Project Design

Individual project design for interior plantscaping

A pleasant environment can transform an ordinary office space into a vigorous and productive workplace. Plants play a great role in this. That is why it is important to pay special attention to interior plantscaping, to think through every detail in order to achieve the optimal solution for a given space.

The preparation of an individual project is a useful step in the implementation of the ideas for a greener, healthier and more welcoming working space.  It gives us as designers the opportunity to develop our ideas and offer more interesting solutions along with the traditional elements. On the other hand, it allows the client to visualize the end result and comment on the specific details.

Initial communication and consulting

The individual approach of Colorful Ideas to any space requires good communication with the client. We take into account each requirement while also offering our professional opinion and recommendations in order to consider all conditions for optimal growth of the plants.


The design process involves considering suitable planters, plant species, interior elements and their positioning in space. The aim of Colorful Ideas is to offer long-term and sustainable solutions for interior plantscaping. The purpose of the different premises, the available light, the layout of the office furniture, the location of the air-conditioning system and many other factors are considered in order to achieve a serene and healthy office environment and to minimize the negative impact on the plants.


The visualization of the project with included images of planters, plants, vertical green walls, polar moss elements and various other biophilic elements gives the client an accurate and clear view on the solutions offered by Colorful Ideas. The visualization of our concept design is a good way to present our ideas, considerations and recommendations, and enables the client to better imagine the future green space.


We prepare the pricing for each project. This gives the client an idea of the budget needed for the next stage of interior plantscaping – the realization of our design. It also helps with the final adjustments to the project.

Individual project design for exterior landscaping

The landscape architects of Colorful Ideas have many years of experience in the design of outdoor green areas to offices, administrative buildings, hotels and private properties. The projects are prepared by landscape architects with complete design certification.

We prepare a full set of project documentation under ‘Parks and Landscaping’ for coordination of projects in the respective Directorate at Sofia Municipality.

The team of Colorful Ideas will answer all your questions at tel. 089 900 1602. You can make an appointment online or write to as at



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